International student with GPA 3.2, should I apply to Grad School?

I’m a Brazilian engineering student in my senior year and I intend to apply to grad school in the US.
Let me give you some background first, back in 2014 I participated in an exchange program in Auburn University for 2 semesters, unfortunately I got mostly Bs and a C which means my cumulative GPA in Auburn is 3.2 (3.08 and 3.33); on the other hand my Brazilian GPA is around 3.55. I know 3.55 is not impressive and that C keeps haunting me every time I try to think of my chances of being admitted into grad school. Also, I have research experience both in Brazil and Auburn, I haven’t taken the GRE yet so I can’t tell about my score.

What are my chances of being admitted? Should I apply?
Thanks a lot!

UPDATE: Sorry guys, forgot to mention the 3.55 Brazilian GPA is based on the last four semesters. My overall GPA is 3.17

ahhh…I was going for it until I saw your overall GPA. That is very low. What sort of grad school are you considering? masters or phd? subject?

I know it’s low, I hope when I finish my senior year it might go up to 3.2 or 3.25, but still…

I’m pretty convinced that I dont attend any phd requirements so I’m considering Master of engineering management or mba. What do you think?
I’m also thinking about Canada since the tuiton is considerably lower but I havent done any research on how seriously they consider GPAs