I have heard many things about international students having advantage in the applicaton process, but still, it's not very clear. As a student from a little country in Eastern Europe called Latvia, will I be more in interest than others? Is diversity as important in the US universities as everyone claims?</p>
<p>International applicants do not have an advantage in the admission process. A student who is full-pay will find that their options are almost the same as those of an applicant who is from the US. An international applicant who needs financial aid will find that all colleges and universities here are extremely difficult to get into. If you are the only Latvian applicant, then the college might like you better than an international applicant from a country that has many applicants.</p>
<p>For the best advice for your own specific situation, you should start by reading through everything at [EducationUSA</a> | Study Abroad, Student Visa, University Fairs, College Applications and Study in the U.S. / America](<a href=“http://educationusa.state.gov/]EducationUSA”>http://educationusa.state.gov/) Then you should get in touch with the counselors at the advising center closest to where you live. There are two in Latvia: [EducationUSA</a> - Find an Advising Center](<a href=“http://www.educationusa.info/Latvia#.TxhHxpjlBmI]EducationUSA”>http://www.educationusa.info/Latvia#.TxhHxpjlBmI) The counselors there are expert at helping students from your country find good places to study in the US.</p>
<p>You also might find it helpful to spend some time in the International Students Forum here at CC. You can find it by going to the main page that lists all of the forums, and then scrolling down.</p>
<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>