International Test Discussions!

<p>i had like 4 cr,
one about george visiting his wife's hometown.
one about art,small passage about japanese identity.
one debate about community buildings
dual passage about monarch butterfly
ooh and some SC's</p>

fortitude..[i got this wrong =s]

<p>LETS BEGIN!!!</p>

<p>there was a question about george and his wife’s hometown that went something like
the two sisters’ laughs indicate…

  • tentative reaction ?</p>

<p>Some of the answer choices for another question from the same passage

  • halfhearted humor?\
  • self-mocking tact?</p>

<p>The second aunt is characterized by

  • frail and ailing
  • confrontational
  • statuesque etc… </p>

<p>which are the correct answers?</p>

<li>which CR was the experimental? :/</li>

<p>i thought it was “a living thing”</p>

<p>-self-mocking tact for that one</p>

<p>for the second aunt i put smth else i cant recall… what was the second word in a pair with confrontational?</p>

<p>he two sisters’ laughs indicate… A living thing, cuz its “waiting” and “circled around us”
i put confrontational, i think i also put self-mocking tact cuz they began to say the bad thing about themselves.
what others?!</p>

<p>selfmocking tact and living thing here.</p>

<p>I put self-mocking tact and tentative reaction…</p>

<p>I think I did well on the sentence completions…but I’m not too sure about the actual passages. I think I got the tentative reaction wrong because your reasoning about living things sounds right. But it said something like “waiting for me” so it seemed like it was forced and sort of irrational.</p>

<p>Oh and the dual passages one…there was one question about what Wenner would say to the sentence “map the routes in a line” or something like that. What did you put for it?</p>

<p>I remember that question but I cant remember what i put. What were the answer choices. Personally I hated this exam especially the math because i didnt get to finish a section and felt rushed throughout. and I’m sure it was probably easy:-(</p>

<p>I can’t remember any answer choices…there was something about it depending on where the wind went…that’s what I put.</p>

<p>yea I think I remember putting something like that but I would really like to remember the choices to be sure. Was anybody drained halfway through the exam?!!</p>

<p>i remember putting self mocking tact too, but for why did the sisters laugh I was confused in that one. Thinking about it Ren the SAT’er’s logic sounds correct</p>

<p>I really hope section 3 was experimental :frowning: :(</p>

<p>Is section 3 the one with the guy visiting his wife’s grandma? Because if it is, I hope it’s experimental too.</p>

<p>I think it was. How do you guys think the math curve will be?</p>

<p>Pretty harsh, I think. I found it to be quite easy. So something like -1 = 770?</p>

<p>crap! I’m screwed I ommited 3 and I think I got at least 3 wrong provided no other errors</p>

<p>the international vocabs seem easy compare to the 2 domestic ones. Grr… anways, did anyone here get the jackie chan question in writing section? LOL, i kept asking about this, sorry.</p>

<p>no i can’t remember that</p>

<p>I didn’t get it. I had the one with “as if he were mad,” which I put E as the answer.</p>

<p>what your reasoning?</p>