<p>I found similar threads, but none of them had enough information... so I suggest putting statistics of applying and already accepted international students here. It might be a good way to get some idea of where you stand comparing to other international applicants.</p>
<p>I'll start with mine</p>
<p>Country: Russia
Sex: Female</p>
<p>School Type: Public, in my country they are all the same.
Class Rank: school doesn't rank
GPA – 3.5</p>
<p>SAT - 2130 Math (800) CR (650) Writing (700)
SAT II – US History: 790
SAT II – Math level 1: 790
SAT II – World history...planning to take, aiming for +750</p>
<p>Course load: all students take the same classes, there are no AP or Honors.</p>
<p>Extra-Curricular: there were no clubs at school, most of EC were outside of school.</p>
<li>Contemporary dance (1st - 11th grade). It was my biggest passion... we had rehearsals 4-5 times a week, 3 hour a day and won a couple of awards locally.</li>
<li>Acting (3-11th grade), played in numerous theatrical performances, commercials, was invited to local talent agency. After that did a few voice overs and hosted a little show on local TV.
-Created my own web-design studio in 11th grade (have portfolio) that brought me quite good profit (for a kid in my country)</li>
<li>Dance teacher assistant (school) in preparing kids for different kind of events that required dancing.
-Vise-President (10th grad); President (11th grade)
-School newspaper, was responsible for design
-Tutored kids in different subjects for last 4 years.</li>
<p>Volunteering: volunteered in local library and children's home (about 100 hours)</p>
<p>Working experience: for last 3 years during my summer vacations I have been working in local night club. It was amazing time, but at the same time extremely difficult since I worked 17 hours a day 3 days in a raw, then 2 days off and all over again.</p>
<p>So here are the statistics:</p>
<p>Class IX Scores(Grade 9):</p>
<li>English : 92%(A)</li>
<li>Hindi(Native Lang) : 88.5%(A)</li>
<li>Mathematics : 88.1%(A)</li>
<li>Science (Phy, Chem, Bio combined) : 95%(A)</li>
<li>Social Studies(includes Geography, History, Civics) : 83.3%(A)</li>
<li>Physical Education : A</li>
<li>Computer Science : A</li>
<p>Rank : 1st</p>
<p>Class X(Grade 10):</p>
<p>1.English : 90% (A)
2. Mathematics : 87 (A)
3. Science
- Practicals - 25/25
- Theory - 72/75
Total% -> 97%(A)
4. Social Science
- Project Work - 20/20
- Theory - 73/80
Total% -> 93% (A)</p>
<li>Work Experience : A</li>
<li>Physical Education : A</li>
<p>Well in Class XI I have an avg of 80%</p>
<p>I will be appearing for my SATs in October. Been scoring around 2200 on the practice tests.</p>
<p>Major Awards :
-Special Appreciation by NASA during the NASA Student Involvement Program.</p>
<p>-Special Appreciation by Leprosy Mission.</p>
<p>-Special Appreciation by LIFE { Lower Income Family Emancipation }</p>
<p>-Founder of a Evolution Science Magazine{Ezine} Worlds first Ezine catering the interest of high school students.</p>
<p>-Honored by Indian Govt. for an All India AIDS Awareness Motorcycle Rally</p>
<p>-Co-Author Comic Strips <a href="http://lolzord.cfsquad.org%5B/url%5D">http://lolzord.cfsquad.org</a></p>
<li><p>Sargent in the National Cadet Corps - Army Division. Awarded 'A' Certificate.</p></li>
<li><p>Represented India at LISTEN: The Worlds First Conference on Child's Concerns.</p></li>
Academics :</p>
<p>1. Gold Medal in National Informatics Olympiad {Conducted by a private foundation}.</p>
<li><p>3rd Rank in National Cyber Olympiad.</p></li>
<li><p>Secured 2nd Rank in 7th International Science Talent Examination conduceted by Bangalore Science Forum.</p></li>
<li><p>7th Rank in 'Assesment of Scholastic Skills through Education Testing.</p></li>
<li><p>Represented region with my science project{ An Operation System for education} at Indian Institute of Techonology. Secured 1st Rank.</p></li>
<li><p>Finalist National Environmental Quiz conducted by Environment Education Council for Children Delhi Public School Society.</p></li>
<li><p>Won state level debate conducted by Hindi Samaj.</p></li>
<p>Leadership :</p>
<p>**1. School Captain. {Indian Equivalent of Student Body head} - 2 Years </p>
<li><p>School Prefect - Before I was promoted to School Captain. - 1 Year</p></li>
<li><p>Awarded 'A' certificate by National Cadet Corps {NCC > Indian Equivalent of ROTC}</p></li>
<li><p>School Basketball and Volleyball Team Captain. [2 Years]**</p></li>
<li><p>Head of student body at my previous school too {2 years ago, so not important I guess}</p></li>
<li>Represented region at state level for Volleyball and Ball Badminton {What is ball badminton? never mind}[1 Year]</li>
<li><p>I have my own Linux Distribution used by a few schools in my city {Its geared towards education}</p></li>
<li><p>Founder of Linux User Group in my City.[ Completed 1.5 yrs]</p></li>
<li><p>Founder of inter school gaming club in the city.</p></li>
<li><p>Member Ubuntu Linux India Team.</p></li>
<p>** Community Service - 160+ Hrs at the Local Military Hospital**</p>
<p>Applying ED to Dartmouth</p>
<p>thanks ajayc, great statistics :-)</p>
<p>When I was still a senior, I posted my stats here...go to my profile and search for my topics.</p>
<p>haru07, what university do you go to now?since you were a senior at the time you posted you stats</p>
Can I ask which course in Dartmouth? And why Dartmouth? Just curious :-)</p>
<p>BTW, great stats! Good Luck!</p>
<p>anxiousbear :Thanks! I would like to quote a line from D's Brochure that reflects my reasons ' I want to be an engineer but not only that' :)</p>
<p>Touche, Ajay!</p>
<p>Ajay, u must have one of the best stats for any international.</p>
<p>Thank you skunk</p>
<p>tetris: I got disconnected. Sorry.</p>
<p>ajayc.impressive record</p>
<p>the only thing I can ask is ajayc are u normal</p>
<p>Yeah I guess so Olasco ;)</p>
<p>hasuhsahhsahusa x)</p>
<p>Wow people at El Salvador have some style of laughing :p</p>
<p>Pretty cool nose too :D</p>