
<p>Hey sorry for this naive question but for internationals who are studying in American high schools and don't need to pay FA (very specific question), is their chances less then a American high school student? </p>

<p>Because I'm confused. I always assumed that students who were internationals had a tougher time but someone said to me that internationals that don't need FA go into a regular pool with domestic students. He wasn't a authority or a reliable source, just a friend, but I'm terribly uninformed about Princeton which is my dream school. (meaningless cliched sentence I know...)</p>


<p>No, all applicants are considered equally regardless of their financial aid situation. If you apply as an international from the United States, then you will be in the 'international' pool instead of the 'domestic' pool. If you're from an obscure country, this could be advantageous; otherwise, perhaps not. Generally speaking I'd say being an international in the US is the best of both worlds with respect to the app process, as you clearly know English and the high school you went to isn't a b.s. one from a developing country (no offense to the quality of education some places, but it can be quite lacking), yet at the same time you have a "worldy perspective" you can bring.</p>

<p>Just in case you feel you don't need to apply for financial aid but feel you could still benefit from it:</p>

Financial aid for international students: Princeton is one of only six colleges nationwide that offer need-blind admission and full-need financial aid to international students.


<p>Princeton</a> University | What's Great About Princeton's Financial Aid</p>

<p>And in case you're curious at other schools, this thread might be of some help: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Sorry that I can't help you with your specific question. With Princeton having 11% internationals this year, I don't really suspect it to be more difficult for internationals to gain admissions, but I don't know this for sure.</p>

<p>That's cool. As for my country well it's really confusing - </p>

<p>Born in India to Indian parents
Lived in Papua New Guinea (enter obscure country) my whole life
Spent 4 years boarding in a Australian school as PNG education is aweful
Have Australian passport despite living most of my time in PNG
I have Permanent Residency for PNG
Spending next 3 years at a awesome American prep school (Andover) </p>

<p>What will I be considered as? Just realized 7 years as a boarder!!! My parents obviously don't love me....</p>