Internship Becomes Job Offer

<p>malanai, Congratulations to your son! Does he want to return to Hawai’i or stay on the mainland?</p>

<p>MikeW, congratulations to your daughter!</p>

<p>Congrats, Mike and malanai! That is fantastic! You know what they say, A bird in the hand . . .</p>



<p>SEA_tide, to live a comparable lifestyle in Hawaii to the lifestyle he’ll be afforded in the southeast on the starting salary he’s been offered would require a Hawaii starting salary of approximately $94,000. He’s staying on the Mainland. ;)</p>

<p>Montegut, I couldn’t agree more with you about the bird in the hand.</p>

<p>he may want to come to texas! ;)</p>

<p>MikeW: There is a lot of talk about being a Renaissance Man…Leornardo, move over… :)</p>

<p>Congratulations to both Malanai’s S and Mike’s D :)</p>

<p>robot - haha - :)</p>
