University Fellows Interview

<p>Yay! My son just received an email informing him that he has been selected as a UF semifinalist, with a phone interview scheduled for next Wednesday. This is the good news we have been hoping for, and definitely needed in the dark days of winter!</p>

<p>Anyone have experience with these interviews, and the types of questions that they ask? Just want to give my son some idea about what to expect.</p>


<p>My best advice to him is to relax before the interview and just be himself. Take a moment, if necessary, to answer the questions thoughtfully and be confident and positive.</p>

<p>I am sure that he will do great! Good luck and let us know the results.</p>

<p>Congrats, Mommatron. My son just got notified today as well. I will definitely encourage him to spend time this weekend reviewing the program and thinking deeply (i.e., with electronic devices off!) about how he sees himself fitting in. Good luck to your son, and thanks to robotbldmom for good advice as well.</p>

<p>Hi! You are supposed to hear whether or not you make it to the next interview right? I haven’t heard anything at all back, just curious! Also, do they email your crimson account? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi bamabound27,
My son just got the invite today to his first Fellows interview, which will be next week. The email arrived in his Crimson account.

<p>My daughter received her email about the interview today as well. WOOT! :)</p>

<p>congrats to those that made the first interview! Let us know how they go!</p>

<p>Congrats to all! Have your child review what they wrote in their essays. Just relax and all will be well.</p>

<p>Thanks for the congrats and advice! I’m probably much more nervous than my daughter though. HA!</p>