Internships and previous experience

<p>Do internships ask/require previous work experience?</p>

<p>Most ask, yes. Prior experience may not be necessary.</p>

<p>Isn't the whole point of an internship to get that prior experience that "real" jobs are going to want?? I don't think most internships require (or, more importantly, expect) you to have prior experience in the field.</p>

<p>Some kind of job or involvement that demands responsibility is generally expected.</p>

<p>^ by involvement do you mean like school clubs and organizations?</p>

<p>For example, in banking, the experience tree goes something like this...</p>

<p>Stellar SAT scores + business club leadership => finance internship in sales and trading middle market => finance internship at bulge bracket => ib internship at bulge bracket => job offer</p>

<p>Its a long chain.</p>

<p>ew. too much for my brain :] def. not a finance guy here</p>

<p>lol test
wish it were that easy!</p>

<p>So for your resume, in addition to putting down past employment experience, you may also put down school extracurricular activities and involvement (relating to that internship)?</p>

<p>Does that mean the ones that are not involved in a business club in high school are left out? I just started considering business, but the club at my school are so self-selective that I don't really enjoy rolling with them.</p>