<p>For those who applied to AU as a transfer and had to complete the Interruption of Study portion of the Application; did you provide a resume or statement?</p>
<p>I was away from school in general for 5 years prior to attending college. I doubt that one will be more appropriate over the other, but I’m wondering if I should provide a resume style response or a written statement. </p>
<p>Please provide feedback. Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Hey there, I also was away from school for around 6 six years, prior to returning to an area community college. I had a similar question about, ‘what exactly the interruption of study generally was,’ and if I should write one. My adviser basically told me that I should do the interruption of study, here is the email:
Hi Xxxxxxx,
Thank you for your email. I am happy to hear that you are working on your goal to complete your bachelor’s degree. The interruption of study is used to explain to the university any gaps that you have had in your education. The gaps can be from high school to college, or from college to college. I would much rather receive an interruption of study from a student, than a resume. I rather hear from the student that they worked as a real estate agent for 6 years after high school than assume that that’s what they did based on their resume. Does that make sense? So I do want to know- What did you do after high school instead of going to college? And, What did you do for a year between semesters? I hope this information helps. Keep up the good work and we look forward to receiving your application.</p>
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
American University</p>
<p>Hope this helps, good luck.</p>
<p>I took a semester off between my Junior and Senior year (mostly because AU made me). My resume accounted for all the time that I had taken off, and was accepted by AU as the interruption of study portion – but I imagine for a longer span of time they’d like a concise statement to accompany your resume.</p>
<p>Best of luck</p>
<p>@RationalHumanist - Thanks for your response. I was thinking of providing a statement as opposed to a resume. In informing AU through a statment did you provide detailed information such as the daily tasks you performed or did you just provide general details? </p>
<p>@ AUTransfer - Hey, thanks for your response again! I agree that for a longer “interruption” a concise statement would be more appropriate.</p>
<p>I just explained in general terms what I have been doing, when, why, etc… Think of it as a chronological resume in which you can explain yourself using details of certain aspects. I may have written too much, but I looked at it as an opportunity to explain my post high school life which was quite complicated. I am kind of on my 3rd career in deciding to come back to school, so I felt like I needed to explain my reasons/rational for doing what I did, when I did it, and how it has led me to where I am. Basically a resume with explanations, also if what you were doing explains why AU would be a good fit for your, it is an excellent opportunity to elaborate on those thoughts. In hindsight I may have written too much, but I felt it was all pertinent information to the narrative my overall application was presenting.
Hope that helps. Also, I would strongly recommend you to get in contact with your transfer admissions representative. They are very helpful, also it shows your demonstrated interest in the school which they will make a note of.</p>