Interview at Deerfield

Hello guys, I applied to Deerfield as a repeating sophomore. and I’ll be interviewed on Monday. Can you tell me what questions to expect??
Deerfield is my first choice.
I’m inclined toward computer science and physics (specifically astrophysics). I’d be happy if you tell me what makes Deerfield so special from other boarding schools? (specifically in those fields)

I’m looking forward to your responses!

There are many threads that discuss Deerfield. You can search and have a wealth of comments to read.

Why is Deerfield your first choice? Reading past threads and examining why it’s your first choice is a good place to start.


Can you give me a link, Also What are common interview questions?

  1. They usually ask about what you do outside of school (I forgot most questions)
  2. I think they ask you about why do you want Deerfield?
  3. They actually ask you about your friends? Why they’re important to you I think

My main advice (which has worked even yesterday with my interview @ mercersburg) is to:

  1. Find 2 classes, 1-2 clubs, and a sport (if you don’t find a sport, that’s okay)

  2. Find a way to incorporate your research into the response. If they ask “insert a question about an extracurricular” make sure you answer it, and go “knowing at Deerfield you have a ____ and ____ I’ll be able to pursue this still”

  3. Just be calm and nod to everything they say that’s informative lol

There is no script. It’s just a conversation. A “successful” interview is one in which you demonstrate ease in conversing with an adult and genuine interest in what you’re talking about, whatever that is. The interviewer will throw some softballs to put you at ease and get you talking. What those questions might be is irrelevant. They’re trying to get a sense of “you” and how ready you are for the boarding school experience and how well you would fit into their community. Nothing more. Just relax and enjoy the conversation.

If you don’t know the answer to this question, you have more research/introspection to do as it is the reason you are applying. YOU need to be able to articulate this answer. No one else can supply it for you as what makes any school special to any applicant is as varied as the applicant. This answer is yours and yours alone.


There is a search function on the forum. I suggest you search for Deerfield and read threads.

Asking for others to do the work (simple work) for you is the antithesis of what BS AOs are looking for. So just be aware that you will be/are expected to find information for yourself, show initiative and persistence.


They may ask about your sports if you mention anything sporty in your activity. I mentioned tennis and they asked if I played tournament or if I had ranking. In the end they suggested I contacted their coaches to talk more. They didn’t seem to care about my academics, sadly.

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So @taurus1 what were you asked? What did you say?

Indeed they really focus on academy, also they have strong sports programs, as I learned, they love applicants who can do both very well (not just hobby level)