Deerfield Admission Help

I have Deerfield as my #1 choice. Either applying as a junior or a repeat soph (leaning towards the former). I have around a 4.3 weighted GPA in APs and advanced classes, and am in multiple clubs and sports. How do I get into Deerfield? Is there anything, in particular, they look for? A passion project?

Start with applying as a repeat sophomore.

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I think the answer is going to be a “you never know” and you should just present yourself to the best of your ability, not trying to make yourself fit some mold of what you think the school wants. What a school wants in a general sense isn’t likely to change year-to-year (excellent students, great musicians and athletes, kind/considerate community members, etc). But what a school needs in a specific year can and does change. They might need more of something specific (certain sports or positions, certain instruments, more Humanities kids, etc) one year and you happen to fit in that box or you might not.

The best advice is to be who you are, do what you love/what you want, and don’t try to change yourself to fit into what you think a school wants. That will just end in unhappiness all around.

Think about why Deerfield is your #1 choice. What is it about that particular school that stands out to you? A special program? Style of teaching? What can you get at Deerfield that you cannot get at another boarding school? Then, make sure that your application and interview speak to why you would be a good fit for that program or why having that particular thing is so important to you. If it’s something like “great college placement” or “strong academics”, that’s not unique to Deerfield. Even something like “strong sense of community” isn’t unique to Deerfield.

Doing that exercise above might also make you realize there could be several other schools that fit what you’re looking for (because maybe what you love isn’t so unique to Deerfield after all) and help you to open up your search to be more successful.

As an example to encourage you to broaden your list, my daughter went through the search and application process this past year. Her top choice before visiting schools actually dropped off her list after the tour as it would have been a terrible fit. But that wasn’t clear from reading here, doing research, watching videos, etc. It was only after we visited and talked with people that it was clear. It seemed to have everything she wanted, but after visiting, she realized that, in her words, they take students that are already great at something and make them better. However, she was looking for a school that would really allow her to explore/try new things and find new interests and passions. And, conversely, other schools that were “okay” or marginally on her list from her initial research became top options for her after visiting.


It’s hard to say what they look for. But you will have a better chance applying as a repeat. And as the parent of a Senior who entered as a repeat Junior, she wishes she’d had even more time there. If you have a serious EC, focus on that this year, especially if it is a sport, they are big on athletics. That said, my kiddo is a dancer and that was her hook. They have a strong arts department and great support for it. Reach out to coaches if you have a sport, work on videos and portfolio if you are in the arts.