it ok to wear jeans?

<p>My interview is at 1:30 at a interviewer said that she will be bringing a biking helmet with her (so I can recognize her)</p>

<p>Soo my question is - can I wear jeans? I was thinking of a nice twin-set top, high heels and jeans. </p>

<p>I don't have to wear a suit/dress pants or a dress right? Especially if she is brining a biking helmet?</p>

<p>I mean we are meeting at starbucks.....</p>

<p>sounds great, youre at starbucks so thats fine.
and she probs wearing a whole biking suit haha so dont worry
just wear dark blue or black jeans… light seem too casual</p>

<p>PLEASE for heaven’s sake, don’t wear jeans!
i HATE when students wear jeans to college interviews, admissions info sessions & tours, before they even get admitted.</p>

<p>& no sneakers. :(</p>

<p>you should were regular, nice-looking pants or something.</p>

<p>but GOD no, not jeans.</p>

<p>B/c you don’t know this interviewer personally & you want to give your best impression.</p>

<p>don’t OVERDRESS like you’re going to a wedding/prom/graduation party.
but wear something like business casual but not too business-like.</p>

<p>i don’t know how to describe it but you know what i mean.</p>

<p>Different setting - my daughter once had an interview with an alum during lunch at a restaurant frequented by business people. She wore nice pants, shirt and jacket, and the interviewer was very impressed she had dressed appropriately (and she was accepted with a rare scholarship). However, I think you need to take the location of the interview into consideration, and what the interviewer is likely to wear. If your interviewer will be biking to the Starbucks, then I would say jeans are OK. On the other hand, you can never go wrong with khakis.</p>

<p>but what girl wears khakis?
go with black pants if youre not sure</p>

<p>but SERIOUSLY i think jeans are totally fine.
its STARBUCKS, and your interviewers wearing spandex.</p>

<p>Perhaps, but wear a less casual shirt to compensate.</p>

<p>D had an interview at Starbucks and wore casual pants (not jeans) and a t-shirt with a cute vest over it to dress it up somewhat. Her interviewer was coming from work though, not arriving with a bike helmet. She was dressed appropriately - neither too dressed up nor too casual. I would err on the side of conservative in any interview situation.</p>

<p>Well, I wore jeans to both my Columbia and Brown interview (both were at starbucks).
They didn’t seem to mind.</p>

<p>I think jeans are totally fine at a coffee shop or something. If you’re going somewhere nicer (or to an office/home) I would wear nice pants.</p>

<p>Also take the atmosphere of the school into account, alumni of different schools will have very different expectations (probably).</p>

<p>Play it safe, wear some decent pants. Go with the low risk/high reward scenario.</p>

<p>I don’t see why you couldn’t wear jeans. It’s not like your going to a buisness meeting, or to show how professional you can be. It’s more like a interview to find out who you are as a student, history etc… I just don’t see whats wrong wearing jeans.</p>

<p>It’s not about looking professional…that’s correct. But what happens if the interviewer wears decent pants and you wear jeans? Unless the interviewer tells you beforehand that you may wear jeans or he/she is going to wear jeans, play it safe.</p>

<p>Ask your mother.
I’ll bet she says don’t wear jeans.</p>

<p>its starbucks, so whatever you wear is fine. you can dress up, or wear jeans and youll fit in.
wear what you are comfortable in. Jeans are fine in your situation since you said youre wearing a dressy top and heels and thats a good outfit :slight_smile:
as long as they are dark denim and no rips.</p>

<p>"But what happens if the interviewer wears decent pants and you wear jeans? "</p>

<p>oh thats just the end of the world isnt it?
its no biggie as long as they are dressy jeans.</p>

<p>I generally wear black jeans with dark brown boots to mine, and that seems to work just fine. I wouldn’t, however, wear blue or grey jeans.</p>

<p>dress like the kids portrayed in the school’s website/viewbook photos</p>

<p>So what if the interview is at someplace like the colonial promonade, not exactly the mall area but near there, jeans, nice clothes, or a dress?</p>

<p>I don’t understand why people are so dressyphobic. It’s only like an hour of your time, can’t you stand to be in something that looks presentable for that little snippet of your life?</p>

<p>Some college interviews are business casual and some are more formal. If your interview invitation did not specify, then I would wear something a bit more formal. Definitely no sneakers.</p>

<p>YOU’RE GOING TO STARBUCKS. Wear jeans.</p>