<p>I requested to be interviewed online about a month ago and I requested again a few days ago and I haven’t been contacted via email or via telephone. Does it take awhile for Bryn Mawr to contact students this time of year? Or do I need to apply first THEN I can interview (I know this is the case with Northwestern). Any information would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Guess I really should have done the interview when I was on campus over the summer
Oh well :(</p>
<p>you should call. you should do the pre application first so you're on record, although i'm not sure that's necessary.
i called today and got an interview for tomorrow.
i'm sooo excited. good luck</p>
<p>I'm glad you were able to have an interview! Would you mind telling us how it went?</p>
<p>Whoops, I kind of forgot I had this thread up! CC should really put this college on the main list, geez XD</p>
<p>I have my interview tomorrow!! <em>crosses fingers</em> I hope it goes well. I can't find information on whether the alumnae interviews are informative or evaluative... not that it matters but it's good to know, you know? <em>bites nails</em></p>
<p>My interview went V. well, if anyone was wondering <em>g</em> It lasted about 2+ hours and she brought her baby along. It was wonderful. I got everything out and thensome. It was a really, really good interview. I have a lot more confidence in regards to my application to Bryn Mawr now and I feel as though I have a better shot now that I'm convinced it's a good fit for me. It was v. informal and we just talked about everything :) Best interview I've done, at least haha :)</p>
<p>Congrats on a great interview!
Are you by any chance from Libertyville, Illinois? (Just googled it and am feeling pretty proud of myself right now...:))</p>
<p>Yessum, I am! :D Woo hoo, Libertyville, haha not really o.o Thanks!! I wonder how much weight the interview holds in the admissions. I know it says they're "highly recommended" on the website, but I don't really don't know what that means in terms of how much it'll help my application heh o<em>O If at all XDDDDDDDD I hope it helps a bit, I'm kind of a spaz (<em>cough</em>) and I'm terrified I'm not good enough and I'm not going to get in and oh God here I go <em>inhales</em> I don't even want to ask what my chances are b/c I'm afraid everyone's going to say "reach" and I'm that my stats aren't good enough and that I'm doomed like no other X</em>X</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm definitely not a worrier. No way.</p>
<p><em>goes to her happy place</em> Oh look chocolate o.o</p>
<p>i'm so unlucky that i dont have any bryn mawr alumni in my town.i'm applyin early t o brynmawr n i'd thought interview would increase my possibility of gettin in n now there aren't any alumni here..</p>
<p>Mai, I did not have anyone near me, not even within about an 8 hour drive, so I didn't have an alumni interview. Many of my friends here at BMC did not either. I only had a phone interview with an admissions rep (Anne Louis! I <3 Anne Louis!), and that was it, so I'm sure it's fine :) Don't worry about it too much, because they take into account if no alumnae live nearby to you.</p>