Bryn Mawr Interview

<p>How is your Bryn Mawr interview?</p>

<p>Mine went very well! My interviewer was wonderful and i really enjoyed talking to her.</p>

<p>When is the appropriate time to interview?</p>

<p>what do you mean? i had my interview around 6 pm, most of the interviews are around this time. i am having a harvard interview this week at 6 pm too ^_^</p>

<p>i thought it was too late to request an interview? Does anyone know when that deadline is?</p>

<p>the deadline was dec 15th… i requested it around jan 5th and i got an interview… i think it was because i am in nyc, and it was easier to get an interviewer, that’s why i got it.</p>

<p>lucky! I live in Boston but I thought I wouldn’t be able to request an interview so I never did…grr! O well, good luck!</p>

<p>Superwoman, you are from Boston? I love Boston… are you applying to Wellesley? I think i saw your posts on the Barnard board too. I will applying to wellesley and barnard also. ^_^</p>

<p>Yep! I love it too but NY is soo much better. I was going to apply to Wellesley but decided not to after spending overnight for the alana night. so fun! But I don’t know; I didn’t feel like I’d love it there. It’s gorgeous but too secluded. I love Barnard though! Great location! & Bryn Mawr I haven’t seen yet but the pictures are worth more then 1, 000 words (lol). Have you been to Wellesley or Bryn Mawr yet to visit?</p>

<p>superwomen, if you have any questions about Bryn Mawr’s campus or the surrounding area, please let me know!</p>


No, I mean when in the process. My daughter is a junior thinking ahead.</p>

<p>I am applying to all of the sister schools myself lol. I cannot ,however, visit most of them. I visited Barnard over the summer because i was at an orientation there but not Wellesley or Bryn Mawr although i would love to!Bryn Mawr seems like a beautiful campus and my interviewer really went into detail about it.</p>

<p>b@r!um-I definetly do! How is the social life there, is there alot to do in the city around Bryn Mawr? I’m extremely interested in helping out with this organization called Girls Inc. which I am a part of now. I just recently found out there is a Girls Inc of Greater Philadelphia and South New Jersey but I’m not sure if that would be close to Bryn Mawr. Have you every heard of this organization or been involved with it? Also, I currently attend a high school that is completely predominantly Caucasian, there’s only 2% of minorities. I wanted to know if there is diversity at Bryn Mawr?</p>

<p>in terms of race i mean. Like is their racial variety there?</p>

<p>superwomen, i went to the alana night too!!! but i went there one day before (Saturday) and stayed with a wellesley girl i know. went to the alana thing on Sunday and left on that day-- didn’t sleep there, cuz of the school on monday. i applyed to Wellesley ED but got deferred. I am from NYC, so yea, i’ve visited Barnard for a couple of times already. And i went to Bryn Mawr last summer.</p>

<p>zoosermom- i think most of the schools only offer interviews to seniors. most ivy only contact you after you’ve submited your application and not everyone can get an interview, it depends on where you are. for other liberal arts schools like bryn mawr and wellesley, you can request an interview even before you apply (in your senior year i believe).</p>

<p>Yea, I had to leave early too, because of school the next day. Did you like Bryn Mawr? It seems kind of like Wellesley but probably a bigger campus. Am I correct?</p>

<p>Did anyone else interview with a lady named Peaches? ^^ She was really nice. </p>

<p>Actually, I’d say that Bryn Mawr is almost as secluded as Wellesley (and it seemed smaller to me, too). </p>

<p>I’m applying to Barnard, Wellesley, and Bryn. Honestly, I think they’re all amazing. Wellesley and Bryn are beautiful, with awesome dorms and such, and Barnard is in N.Y (enough said.).</p>

<p>do you have a safety? i’m applying to those schools as well and although I feel I have a good shot, I’m so nervous about the large applicant pool. Luckily I was accepted EA to my safety the other day, but hopefully I won’t have to go there!</p>

<p>Yeah, my fall-backs are Tulane and U. of Alabama (Honors College). I already got accepted to U.A. but I’m in the same boat as you and REALLY REALLY don’t want to go there. Tulane would be…better…</p>

<p>I kinda went crazy with the applying and so I ended up with nine colleges. Bound to get in to one of them, right? (ahh…)</p>