<p>If anyone has had a major interview with a big name company post what kinds of questions they asked you, and if you felt you did well or not.</p>
<p>The type of questions you get depend a lot on the industry to which you're applying: consulting interviews tend to be technical (I know some people had to read and discuss a case), as are some finance jobs (I know someone who was asked to calculate simple things like WACC); however, many interviews are more behavioral oriented. All of mine were (for PwC, E&Y and Deloitte). Questions tend revolve around a specific trait that they are looking for you and ask you to demonstate it.</p>
<p>For instance: "Because we are a client service company, customer service is important. Can you tell me about a time when you went well above the call of duty to assist a client/customer to make sure that they were satisfied?"</p>
<p>or "Teamwork is intergral to this position. Can you tell me about a time where you worked in a team that was not performing very well and explain what you did to help get the team back on track?"</p>
<p>I'd say I did well--I was really turned off by one of the interviewers and ended up cutting that one short, but I got offers from the other two.</p>