Interviews--Do only certain applicants get them?

<p>I have two friends at my school that applied to Columbia, and only one of us has been contacted for an interview. Are applicants chosen at random to be interviewed? Are applicants who the admissions committee are on the fence about more likely to be interviewed? Thanks.</p>

<p>Youre contacted when there is an interviewer available in your area. It had nothing to do with whether your application is on the fence, has already been filed into the admitted pile, or hasn’t even been opened yet.</p>

<p>thanks tjan</p>

<p>^^ Yeah the alum should likely contact you, but if he/she doesn’t it’s probably because he/she is busy. Don’t sweat it, the interview forms a very small part of your total application anyways</p>

<p>“It had nothing to do with whether your application is on the fence, has already been filed into the admitted pile, or hasn’t even been opened yet.”</p>

<p>I’m not sure, there were alumni available in my high school area (big city) and there were tons of students applying, I was the only one out of 10 in my school who applied to columbia, and got interviewed, I had a weird profile and lots of colleges gave me an interview but not my classmates. I was rejected and accepted at places that i interviewed at and people who did and did not receive interviews got and didn’t get offers (so all combinations). But my profile was weird, not uniformly stellar grades, no state or national anything, but lots of extra curricular, community involvement, undertook and started some projects in and out of school.</p>

<p>^^ It’s different for different schools. Yale, I think, interviews on merit/fence, whatever. </p>

<p>If the CU admissions office had it’s way, all applicants would be interviewed. It’s a time constraint that depends entirely on alumni. So, Trojan, if an alum doesn’t contact you, don’t sweat it. He/She probably got really busy at the last minute.</p>

<p>Thanks confidentialcoll and cerberus08.</p>