Interviews: Freaking Out!

<p>So I'm essentially panicking. I know it's my fault and everything but I kind of neglected to do any interviews and I'm applying mostly to small liberal arts schools that would probably want one. What do you guys think the real importance of interviews is and do you think I'll be ok without them?</p>

<p>plenty of kids get admitted w/o interviews so it isn’t like your chances are not zero. However at small LACs every admit counts because the class is so small. They tend to want interviews to make sure you understand the atmosphere and school and that you’ll be a fit and vice-versa. So while it’s not a knock-out to skip them, it is a factor they’ll consider.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
While this doesn’t answer your question, I hope it helps you remember that this is your time to relax; you got through three+ years of high school, you got through the application process, so you should enjoy yourself a bit. What’s done is done :)</p>

<p>Interviews don’t count against you, they can just help or hurt you if you choose to do them.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone who replied, your answers definitely helped calm me down!</p>