Introductory Bio - question for current washu students

I noticed that General Chemistry I is only “strongly recommended” but not required to enroll in Intro Bio I. Is it a huge disadvantage to take Intro Bio I without first taking Chem I? I took AP Chemistry in high school and received a 5 on the exam.

I just took Bio 2960 this past semester, and I did not take Gen Chem. I did not feel at all disadvantaged. Largely the chemistry required for 2960 is understanding ionic vs covalent vs hydrogen bonds.

WashU gives general education credit for a 5 on the AP Chem test but you need to take the GenChem classes. There is an option to take a test to place out of the classes first week of school.

And Bio majors are required to take both GenChem classes.

Not necessarily, actually. I got Gen Chem credit for my five on the AP test, and I’m a BME major. If you are in art sci or pre-med, you’re not allowed to take the credit, but non-premed engineers are.

@cryingchemist are you in Arts and Sciences or EAS? The requirements are way different between the 2 schools.

Chemistry 111A has been described as baby quantum physics by my son’s professor. If you can place out or get credit, do so. A lot of freshmen last year couldn’t figure it out.

Thanks for the info - I am in Arts and Sciences.

Biology 2970 this semester is interesting since the professor never taught the class before-he taught upper division courses and is more focused on research. Midterm 1 was a mixed bag for most students and there was a grading error according to my son.