<p>Is it recommended to take one during your first quarter? Does anyone have any favorite introsems? Are they for a letter or pass/fail grade?</p>
<p>I mean taking one your first quarter is definitely very nice (I did it). My introsem (Science in the News) was really nice and fun. Not sure if its going to be offered this year. I think you can choose whether you want it pass/fail or letter grade though most people probably choose letter grade especially seeing as most introsems are considered gpa boosters!</p>
<p>hey superwizard! i have 1 question if you don't mind. I am highly interested in taking Science in the News. but I was just wondering if it was easy to get an "A" in the class. can you please tell me more about this class like how it is graded and the level of homework? thanks a ton!</p>
<p>Hahaha well according to my friend who took it last year (I took it the year before that) the professor has upped up the requirements for the class a significant amount since my year seeing as my group was 'so amazingly lazy' lol. Still it really isn't too much work and the professor is really nice and the topic is great. I mean we got to pretty much discuss anything we wanted so long as it was in the news and was related to science! Anderson is nice and I think if you do what he expect of you you should really hope to get an A. Me and my friend both got As in the class...</p>
<p>hey thanks for the speedy response! did any of your friends take the "Dilemmas in Current Medical Proactice" class? do you know the inside scoop on this class? lol</p>
<p>hey sorry superwiz but I have another inquiry. I want to take Dilemmas in Med Practice but the thing is that class is S/NC only. this won;'t boost my GPA will it? it is better to get a letter grade like in Anderson's class? thanks again ur awesome</p>
<p>No problem sackings :)</p>
<p>Yes if the class is only S/NC it really won't boost your GPA. I mean it probably also means that the class shouldn't be very difficult to pass and it'll probably be less work then one you take for credit. While introsems can be used as GPA boosters if you like the other introsem I don't think you should rule it out just because its for credit no credit. My advice? Apply to both and see which one you get into and then choose!</p>
<p>hey I have 1 more question! how easy is it to get "A"s in Chem 31A/B series and the Math 41 series? I will definitely put in the hard work but is it feasible to get A's in both? how are the curves in those classes? ;) thnks again</p>
<p>To get some info about courses, there's a website: [url=<a href="http://courserank.stanford.edu/CourseRank/%5DCourseRank%5B/url">http://courserank.stanford.edu/CourseRank/]CourseRank[/url</a>] which helps you search for classes and read reviews from past students. They also post a histogram of grade distributions which may or may not be accurate. As always, take the info found there with a grain of salt. :)</p>