Iona College

<p>Anyone know anything about it? Nice school? Its selectivity? Thanks.</p>

<p>I'm assuming it's the one in the US?</p>

<p>It's fairly young (est. late 1930s ish?), christian, good b-school, recently rising in rankings, if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>Honestly, unless it's top 30ish, CCers won't know too much about the college.</p>

<p>College</a> Search - Iona College - At a Glance</p>

<p>thanks for that.</p>

<p>No problem. I find the CollegeBoard site to be very helpful in getting details about certain schools - bookmark it. ;)</p>

<p>one step ahead of ya buddy.</p>

<p>Uh, selective isn’t a word I would use for Iona at all. I know, as someone who was a Resource kid in High School, that Iona has a big program for students that are learning disabled. So some people feel like the curriculum isn’t very rigorous. At my old HS, we had a lot of Iona kids come help us out. Most of them didn’t seem that motivated, academically. Many would describe it as a suitcase school, meaning it’s residential and empties out on the weekend. I think the reason most people go there is because it’s a commuter school with a nice campus that, for a while, had an easy acceptance rate for the area, though maybe that’s changing. </p>

<p>Blockhead, this thread is almost 6 years old. It’s unlikely the OP still needs advice on college selection.</p>