Is 4 letters of rec to much?

I know Vanderbilt requires 2 letters of recommendation from teachers and I have that all set up but I have two other people who I feel may be able to right letters of recommendation that are beneficial to my application. One is my yearbook advisor who has seen me take on a leadership position and another is my boss who sees me in a work environment (clearly) in which I work with special needs adults. Is 2 additional too much? Will they even read both of them? What should I do?

There comes a point when an application is actually cluttered with too much information. I believe I sent something like 3 or 4 recommendations to a couple of schools, and I believe (for those that didn’t admit me) that this was to my detriment. Restrict it to only ONE supplementary recommendation that adds significant information and context to your application. Between those two, who is a better writer? Who knows you more intimately? Who has known you for longer? Who has something to add that your teachers and counselor won’t already have said in their recommendations? Pick one, because frankly, anything more than 1 supplementary rec (in addition to all of those asked for) is just too much.