<p>My school doesn't give out unweighted. Is a 4.0 bad for some of CC's top schools, even with really good SAT scores?</p>
<p>I would look more into state and community colleges with grades like those unless you have phenomenal SAT scores.</p>
<p>It depends on the weighting formula and how many weighted offerings there are. On a A=4, B=3, AP A=5, AP B=4, etc. scale, a weighted 4.0 isn’t particularly strong. On a scale like that with a lot of APs, there would be a lot of 4.5+ students.</p>
<p>Define “really good” SAT scores, and in addition to what Sherpa mentioned, the difficulty of your courses.</p>
<p>Well not saying I have the scores, but 2300+</p>
<p>Also, no APs yet…my school decided to take AP Physics away for Juniors, but I wanted to take physics so I took it. Kind of sucks because now it looks like I don’t apply myself.</p>
<p>Accelerated math courses for freshmen, sophomore, and junior year. 4 accelerated courses in total, so I don’t think it affects my grade THAT much.</p>
<p>Plan to take senior year: AP Calc BC, AP Chem, AP Physics.</p>
<p>Of course a 4.0 is not “bad”, but when applying to top schools your academic record will be evaluated in the context of how you challenged yourself relative to what is offered at your school. Colleges recognize that all high schools are not created equal and therefore there are great disparities in opportunity (and grading systems) amongst applicants. Therefore, they get a “school profile” to understand your situation. Keep working hard and good luck!</p>