Is anyone else considering VT from CT?

My son is in the process of selecting a school and we want to head to VT for a student admit day in April. It seems to me the best route from CT to VT is to fly to Roanoke? and then another hour from there? Otherwise, it looks like at least a 9 hour drive down 81. Has anyone done the drive? Flights? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

We’re driving from NYC for the April 9th event. See you there!

@STEM2017 I just posted in PSU - you might know the answer? And as for VT, yes! We are heading down too! All new to us!

@xaviermom2017 I PM’d you.

We are in Connecticut. It is a long drive, but usually not a bad drive (if you avoid days when students are leaving or heading to campus). Rte 84 West to Scranton, PA and then 81 South all the way to Blacksburg. You have to see the campus, which is beautiful, to really appreciate the school. Go Hokies.

From NJ. When we visited last fall, we flew to DC, then Roanoke and drove from there. Didn’t have many direct flight options into Roanoke, or would have done that. My friend’s son attends and he drives there from here. Says it takes about 7 hours.

Were headed to the VT day on Sat the 8th. Driving from PA the night before.See you there!

Thanks everyone! It seems will be flying from CT to Phili to Roanoke and driving in from there. I just can’t do another 9-10 hours drive lol. The drive to Ohio State did me in! @MSMead we will be there on the 8th too! Hope to be able to meet up with some of you that have been posting here! Safe travels!!

Our plan is to drive town on the 8th, hang out on campus that evening, and attend the event on the 9th.

Just to be aware - one other option is Amtrak to Lynchburg, VA and then the Smartway bus to Virginia Tech. Is a long trip, but my son prefers it to driving because you can get up and walk around on the train. I had read that Amtrak will extend service to Roanoke by Fall 2017.

Amtrak to Roanoke would be fantastic! Here is a story on the subject…

Wow! I would love the Amtrak to Roanoke idea for future transportation if he chooses VT! I’m going to ask my sister. She works for Amtrak! I will update on here once I hear back. Have a great night!

We flew from Newark to Charlotte and drove 2 hours north to Blacksburg. Tickets way cheaper than to Roanoke because Charlotte is a major hub. EZ drive, in many places speed limit is 70mph.

Try fly charlotte. Drive north. cheaper.