Is anyone else planning to attend a predominately White university like me?

<p>@Alexis Thank you and good luck with finding colleges with good financial aid benefits! I don’t think I can get a full ride anywhere, even with a 3.8 GPA lol! I’m trying to do the same thing thing as you so I have as little debt as possible going into med school</p>

<p>Yes I am. I have done it all my life I guess I’m going to have to continue it…</p>

Some of the Ivies offer free rides for those whose parents make less than 60,000! And I think Uchicago along with other schools offer packages where one doesn’t have to take out loans. That’s only if you come from a low socioeconomic background. Like me! <em>^▁^</em> I hope I am able to gain admittance. Med school/graduate costs enough. -_-!</p>

<p>I am NYU ! Mostly asians and whites… ugh… im having anxiety thinking about the decisions</p>

<p>All of the schools I’m considering are predominantly white. Most of them are diverse though, aside from Kenyon. Kenyon is only 3% black and is 79% white! That’s so tiny, especially since there are only 1,600 students in the school. All my top choice schools have at least twice that number of black students.</p>

<p>Nothing is wrong with getting out of your comfort zone. You need to multi-cultural to succeed in the world.</p>

<p>I live in Pa suburbs and can tell you that Penn State has alot to offer. The school/area is basically a mini city. You will find friends of all nationalities and from all over the world. The clubs are in the hundreds and if you dont find one you like…Start one! If this is your number one choice I would go for it!!! My two nephews attend and my son has applied. My son has met kids from all over (China, Chicago, New Jersey, India, Philadelphia) during tours/visits. Good Luck to you!</p>

<p>I never thought of UMD as predominantly white. I know tons of people of color that are applying.</p>