Is Anyone here from GA and knows anything about Joint Enrollment??

Hi, I’m having major issues with my Joint Enrollment classes right now. I signed up for a ton of art classes and now HOPE won’t pay for them. Can anyone tell me about how this affects college admissions also?

<p>I am not familar with the current joint enrollment program as it has been years. I do know that most of the kids I know that did joint enrollment still entered college as freshman. By the second semester they received sophmore standing. As far as Hope not paying for your classes, I would assume that because you are only taking art classes Hope sees them as electives. To be honest, I didn't know Hope paid for joint enrollment. If so, then you will only get another 3 years from them so you should be taking a full academic load instead of art classes. Don't you need an English class to graduated? How about a math, science, or history?</p>

<p>They paid for the Biology classes last semester, but due to our <em>wonderful</em> governor who loves education so much, art is no longer covered by the PSO program. Go figure.</p>

<p>Since I will be taking these classes at GPC, I don't want to take anything detrimental in a more rigorous academic environment(GWU). The academics at GPC are subpar, and I want to take my English/language classes where I'll get my degree. However, I am wondering if people know if one Biology class+a lab will also cover my hs graduation requirements. My gc said it will, but my advisor said something wierd that confused me.</p>

<p>Thanks pokey=)</p>