Is anyone still waiting for his/her decision letter!!???

<p>I know many people got their decision letters yesterday, and some got theirs last Friday, but I still haven't receive mine!!! I live at a boarding school and the mails come every afternoon about 2:00 and I checked with the front office just now and my letter hasn't arrive ....</p>

<p>I just really want to see my decision letter ASAP, because if I don't get it tomorrow, it's possible that my letter arrived already, but someone took it from my mailbox :(((</p>

<p>Is there anyone also waiting for your decision mail to come???????</p>

<p>Have you accessed your myUM page yet to see if the decision is there?</p>

<p>Yes Yes I was accepted. I just really wanna touch my letter … UM is not my top school, but it is one of my favorite!</p>

<p>The acceptance letter is in a packet and those sometimes take longer. D’s came yesterday in WI. The Singer/Stamps invite letter came today. And UNC-Chapel Hill’s arrived just today when they released decisions I think at least a week ago. It will come. Be patient. You’re in, right?</p>

<p>Thank you! This makes me feel better… My school is in PA. I did get in! Without scholarship though :(</p>

<p>I just got my packet today! It is really nice…AND YOU GET COUPONS!! (score!)</p>

<p>I’m going to buy something from the UM Bookstore…I want a crewneck. lol</p>

<p>lollll congrats @lovemyego!!</p>

<p>your prob going to get yours tomorrow.
I go to boarding school too in NY</p>

<p>still no letter here in New Jersey…anyone else?</p>

<p>Have you got yours yet? I’m still waiting for mine. I’m even wondering whether the system is wrong showing that I’m accepted!</p>

<p>@jozuko @barcelotina, I checked with the front office this afternoon AGAIN! Mine still hasn’t arrive!</p>

<p>Where do you live? I’m in PA and still w.a.i.t.i.n.g… Eh</p>

<p>still no letter… :(</p>

<p>Still no letter :(</p>

<p>@barcelotina, i live in a small town near phily. How about you? I checked today. Still Nothing!!!</p>

<p>@jozuko @barcelotina sorry for all of us…</p>

<p>I live in Florida and I got my letter this past Monday.</p>

<p>No package yet, however you can track it via MyMu</p>

<p>@whamwi you mean we can track out package via MyMU?</p>

<p>4:00pm. mail is late and now a blizzard is coming…</p>

<p>Mail came. Still no letter! Anyone else still waiting ?</p>