Is anyone who got accepted ED still waiting on the financial aid report?

Essentially, I got into Penn (ED) and when I clicked on the financial aid portion I was told that my application was incomplete. I turned in the necessary documents that day, but I still don’t have a financial aid statement, and it still says that my documents are still missing. I called the financial aid office last week, and the lady I talked to told me that they received all my documents. It’s been two weeks now and they’re still marked as missing. I can’t confirm my enrollment until I find out if I can actually afford to attend, so this is pretty important.
I’m going to call later in the week to ask about it, but I was wondering if this is a normal thing that everyone else is going through or if I’m the only person who doesn’t have their financial aid report back?

The office has probably been closed since 12/22. You should try calling them on 1/2 when the office reopens.