Is applying to more than one internship allowed?

I’m a high school senior and I have applied to 3 internship during the summer. I took serious and strongly consider all 3 of my applications process. However, what if I get elected to more than 1 internships. I can only do 1 internship in the summer, given that the internship runs almost all summer.

Can I reject my acceptance into an internship if I accept one over another? And I will feel kinda bad to do that because they receive hundreds of applications, but I decide not to commit.

Are you serious? First, this is not a financial aid question.

Second…applying for internships is like applying for jobs. You apply to more than one.

But I have to ask…what kind of “internship” are you seeking as a HS student?

@thumper1‌ Calm down. I hate when ppl get too sensitive.