Is Barron's Math IIC meant to frustrate you?

<p>IMO, barron's is a waste of time.
sure, you'll probably get an 800 if you do everything in it, but it's wasted effort.
sparknotes is a better option.</p>

<p>.illogic, is sparknotes easier than the actual IIC?</p>

<p>in my opinion, even sparknotes practice tests are harder than the actual test.</p>

<p>lol, Barrons IC is doing the same to me NOW. frustrating.</p>

<p>dlstod, I would say that if sparknotes is easier than the actual test, it isn't by much.</p>

<p>I did get 800s on the practice tests and the real thing, but without a score breakdown I can't determine if I missed more on one of them</p>