<p>Well I'm not sure if this will help but here's my perspective as a senior in CSOM...</p>
<p>CSOM is an AWESOME school......if you're a finance and/or accounting major which sucks for me since my concentration is in marketing. Because of the mandatory undergraduate core and CSOM core, the variety in classes is minimal. It's a double-edged sword, imo. As much as it is important to take classes in different fields, it should be as equally as important to prepare business students with classes dedicated to their concentration. </p>
<p>Now, to graduate with a marketing concentration, you need to complete a 5-course sequence, which to me, seems pretty darn simple, right? It is. However, combine that with internship experience, I STILL feel unprepared when applying for jobs because my classes are basically cakewalks and I've vastly learned......nothing lol. This past semester, I took a class with a known professor in the marketing department and I didn't learn a thing. Easy A. Great look on the transcript, terrible in reflection.</p>
<p>BTW, here are the classes I've taken:
Marketing Principles
Marketing Research
Services Marketing
Media Industries (forgot the rest of it..don't feel like looking at Agora)
Applie Marketing Management</p>
<p>The first two and last one are required parts of the concentration.</p>
<p>Now, I know it would be easy to say well you could've taken more classes in marketing? Yes, I could have but that's the problem! The classes that are offered in my concentration are sometimes cancelled/uninteresting/deals with the sales aspect too much. So, basically, the classes at my disposal are MEDIOCRE. The faculty, albeit nice, in the department are...okay. They're not bad but they're not remarkable enough that tuition is this high for a school that's supposed to be 14th/29th in the nation.</p>
<p>Onto the ranking:
IMO, CSOM needs serious restructuring. They need to hire better faculty as in FULL-TIME...and they need to change up the CSOM core. I suppose it's their intention to have a well-rounded business student who is GOOD in many areas, but I'd rather be EXCEPTIONAL in a field that I am actually passionate about. Otherwise, I would've chosen to major in General Management or something.</p>
<p>I wouldn't take the rankings too seriously. I remember Dean Keeley sent out an e-mail asking students to opt out of the survey used in determining the rankings. I chose not to opt out, but there's a problem there....you're either going to get the person who's going to rank 5 (EXCELLENT) on every question just to complete the thing, the person who's marking down random stuff, and very few people who take it seriously.</p>
<p>I would HIGHLY suggest visiting Fulton (CSOM) and speaking with people in the department that you're interested. On a side note: Some may find the undergraduate core and the CSOM core to be a bit overwhelming so think about that as well.</p>
<p>Hope that helped. If you have any more questions, let me know.</p>
<p>Just to add:
Don't misconstrue this as BC being a horrible school. It is far from that. I'm having a great time, met some freakin amazing people and have taken great classes that aren't in my major that will resonate with me for a long time. With any school, nothing can be perfect. I'm just pointing out flaws that can easily be fixed. I just want CSOM to be a better undergrad school for future classes. :-)</p>