<p>I attend a public school in a town of 700 in Montana. Columbia being in Manhattan, will they see this as a good chance to "diversify" the class?</p>
<p>sure.......bring you pet moose or jackalope.</p>
<p>No, but i do have alot of guns and I am a really good shot (both true, but my mother is an award-winning gun engraver).</p>
<p>Very interesting........I am sure you have an intersting life and culture. Gun engraving huh? I can only imagine how many engravings she has done. Actually you know I was jesting right? I mean your state is beautiful.......Black Hills Gold and all.</p>
<p>No, thats South Dakota, not Montana. We have the world's best saphires. She's done alot, and really marksmanship is a blast. You don't have to shoot AT somebody.</p>
<p>Goes to show my geography is slipping........red face. So marksmanship huh? I have done some target shooting and it is hard.</p>
<p>Not if you practice (or hungry, but I've never been that hungry)</p>
<p>I have just never had the opportunity to practice over a long period of time. I am sure you are very good.</p>
<p>Well, if i get really hungry i'll be fine, but reloading shells is time-consuming and regular shells are expensive, so i dont shoot that much. I have football instead</p>
<p>Speaking of shooting guns, I just found out my mom knows how to shoot a gun and is a real good shot.</p>