<p>I attend UB (University at Buffalo) and have been here for 3 years. I'll try to answer some of your questions...</p>
<p>How is their biology program?</p>
<p>I'm not a Bio major, but I have taken Bio 101 and 102. These introduction classes are in huge lecture rooms and will begin with roughly 400+ students and slowly dwindle down as the semester wears on and people realize how annoyingly difficult and boring these courses can be... for an introduction course. However, if you're very interested in Biology and understand it, UB's Biology program is top-notch. I hated it, but then again, I don't like the sciences.</p>
<p>How is the campus?</p>
<p>It's huge. UB is split into 2 campuses. North (newer, in Amherst suburb, majority of majors here) and South (older, closer to the city, medical/dental students). As a freshman, you'll most likely be taking classes on North campus most of the time. If you continue with Biology, you'll most likely stay on North campus, since the Biology department and building is there. </p>
<p>North campus' dorms are extremely big. I worked as a student security/public safety aide for a year and had to patrol the dorms at night. It is about a 10-15 minute walk to campus. If you drive, parking can be a problem, but the parking lots are huge. Just make sure you get there early if you're going to drive.</p>
<p>After Sophomore year, you can apply to live in on-campus apartments. I lived in one for all 3 years, since I was a transfer student. They are very nice to live in, for the most part. About a 5-minute walk to class.</p>
<p>The campus itself is connected. Meaning, if you know your way around North campus, you can walk to roughly 75% of the classes without going outside. Helps during cold, snowy days or even hot days. </p>
<p>The air is great. The winters can be brutal, but compared to many Northern/North Eastern states, it's not too horrible. Buffalo gets a bad reputation for their lake effect snow, but to me, I don't think it's nearly as rough as people make it out to be. The springs and summers here are great. I often bike (bicycle) to get some exercise when the weather's nice. There are gyms everywhere, but you do have to look for them. </p>
<p>Would it be better for her to stay in Illinois?</p>
<p>I have no idea.</p>
<p>About LD (learning disability, right?)...
Most courses I've taken, the professors mention that if you have a learning disability, you have to register with a certain department and let the professors know. They try to accommodate everyone with LD as much as possible. They usually let you take tests at different times/places or allow for more time than normal. Even though the introductory Biology classes are huge, if you get there early and sit in the front, it can be more personal and easier to concentrate in. And like I said above, the class size keeps dwindling down as the semester wears on. </p>
<p>Overall, UB is a very good school. The student body is extremely diverse. There are a lot of international students. Just from living on-campus, I've roomed with all types of people (Polish, Canadian, Arab/Spanish, African American, Caucasians, Irish, etc.) I myself am Asian (Oriental). </p>
<p>About proximity to Toronto and New York City...
Toronto takes a while to drive to. Not too bad and it could easily be a weekend trip, or even a full day trip (but you'll be tired). I've been there about 3 times. Great city. Very clean and populated. However, people in Canada cannot drive. Not being racist or nationalistic, but it's just from my experience. Be careful when you drive to and back from Toronto. </p>
<p>New York City takes forever to drive to. My family lives 1+ hour outside of NYC, so I make the trip often. If you drive fast, it might take you 7 hours to get to NYC from Buffalo. I highly recommend what another poster here said. Fly to NYC if you want to visit. He/she is right. Jetblue might be the best option (just make sure your luggage is under 50 lbs.). It takes about 50 minutes to actually fly to NYC. Waiting at the airports is another story. That might take about 1-2 hours alone. </p>
<p>The city of Buffalo itself isn't amazing (compared to Toronto or NYC). I only went there for the clubs and bars and one time to a concert. However, it can be fun and is about a 25 minute drive from North campus and a 10-15 minute drive from South campus. There is one particular "strip" of road in the city of Buffalo where all the action is at. South campus also has 1 street that has lots of bars at. Most of the time, parties are held in apartments or houses in the suburbs or at South campus. That's pretty much the night life at UB....</p>
<p>Good luck and I hope you make a good choice, where ever it may be. Hope this helped.</p>