<p>I mean, my parents are basically paying for college for me, along with a car, so do they have to buy new devices? (e.g., new laptop, tablet, etc.) Is anyone else buying/planning to buy new stuff?</p>
<p>If so what brands are the best for laptops/tablets?</p>
<p>Is a tablet useful or just a mini, keyboardless laptop?</p>
<p>Nope. I prefer a keyboard less laptop over a tablet.</p>
<p>Parents also paying for college. I’ll probably get a used 335i sophomore year when I can have a car on campus. </p>
<p>Getting the iPhone 5S as soon as it comes out, but I’ve had the same Droid for 3 years. I think tablets are rather pointless if you have an iPhone. I’ll be getting a Macbook Air when I go to college.</p>
<p>I’ll need a new laptop, only because mine is broken. The keys are popping off the keyboard and i have to glue them :)</p>
<p>I don’t have a laptop because I do most of my work on my ipad and use a desktop for larger projects/assignments. So before college, I will definitely be looking into a MacBook or comparable laptop. I will still bring my iPad too, just for quick little assignments. But if you don’t already have one, I don’t think you’ll need one.</p>
<p>Is a laptop really necessary? Could one survive on a desktop?
I see almost every college student with a laptop. It seems to be distracting much of the time</p>
<p>Personally I still have a year until college. That being said the only things I will be buying is a new laptop (really low on memory and I do a lot with graphics so a newer computer would be ideal) and a graphing calculator (I have been borrowing one from my school).</p>
<p>Yeah, I think I’ll be looking into either a MacBook Air/Pro or a cute little Lenovo! Gonna opt out of the iPad, as I find it redundant to have both an iPad and an iPhone. Thanks guys! </p>