So, I just started my junior year and am currently taking AP Calculus AB along with 5 other AP courses, of varying difficulties. I was originally planning on taking AP Calculus BC, but decided that I just didn’t have the time after receiving my schedule and getting the most difficult teachers in every subject… 
I was just wondering if taking Calc AB this year and BC next year would look lazy to admissions officers. I don’t know if I’ll apply to highly selective colleges in the future, but I will need financial aid so I’m trying to do as well as possible to make sure I can afford college. Basically, does it look lazy to take Calc AB then BC in a two year sequence when it isn’t required by the high school? Would selective colleges look down on that? Would most colleges consider it to be acceptable or normal?
Just wanted to include one final thing to add a little context to my school situation. There are several juniors who are taking Calculus BC this year but they all took Calculus AB last year even though it wasn’t required. So, my schedule isn’t super unusual, I think…
And the other classes I am taking are:
AP English Lang
AP Bio
AP Stats
AP Latin
You’re fine don’t worry about it
Dude keep your wig on everything’s going to be just fine. Just to put it in perspective a senior in high school takes Pre-Calculus. People get into selective universities with just Pre-Calculus on their belt. Now if you were going towards an engineering major then maybe you should accelerate on math but you’re more than fine if you take AB junior year and BC senior year. I’m going to be a senior who will be taking AP Calc AB this year so you’re not behind. Sure taking AB then BC looks like a waste of time but its better to get the concepts down rather than rushing/failing the class.
Overall, you’re good don’t sweat it bro.
You’ll be okay. Despite what you see on this site many people either a) take AP Calc AB senior year, b) take BC senior year or c) take AB then BC junior/senior year. Those who take BC junior year or earlier either have more advanced math classes to take later in high school or aren’t taking a lot of rigorous classes (one guy I knew took AP Calc BC last year (our junior year) along with Honors Physics and AP Comp Sci. Don’t know what else he took though). Lang, APUSH and Bio should be enough to handle.
No and no!!!
The vast majority of students who even take calculus in HS, take it as a senior. Taking AB as a junior and BC as a senior is perfectly fine with your schedule.