Is Calculus in High School a requirement for admission to UCs?

Is Calculus in High School a requirement for admission to UCs?
Or is 4 years of Maths fine?

Calc is not required. Although it may be helpful depending on future plans.

3 years is required (Algebra/Geometry/Algebra 2) or Integrated Math up to Level III. 4 years recommended and at least up to Pre-Calc to even be competitive. For STEM majors, Calculus would be advantageous.

Minimum eligibility for frosh admission includes math to geometry and algebra 2 (note: algebra 2 validates algebra 1), or integrated math courses with equivalent content.

However, due to the level of competition, it is best to complete precalculus at least. If you complete precalculus in 11th grade or earlier, it is best to take calculus if available to you, particularly if your intended major may require calculus (e.g. any engineering, any science, economics, business, architecture).

Most, if not, many UC bound kids complete calculus or AP calculus by the high school senior year.