<p>Carleton worth visiting or too much a reach? </p>
<p>I think my son (a junior) might really like Carleton, but money is limited for college visits, so I don't know if we should fork out the $$ for him to check it out. (Available cash is very tight these days.) He is in the odd situation where college is paid for but college visits are not.</p>
<p>He has great PSATs (78R, 72M, 72W) but a mixed GPA. Overall GPA is not great because of 2.7 freshman year, but something like 3.5 and 3.8 after that. School is extremely competitive and has a good reputation but offers APs only in math and science. Son will not have taken them but has taken most difficult courses in English, History and Foreign Language, including taking an extra language. Son has good but alternative EC's that relate to academic interests. (Much work with local and not local Native American groups) He will have good letters of rec but no one at school would consider him the best student ever or anything like that.</p>
<p>Is it worth his spending his college visit money visiting Carleton, or is it too much of a reach?</p>