Is Class of 2026 An Outlier Year for College Admissions?

Mcgill over Toronto in general. What faculty? If engineering, then Toronto. Trinity college, Toronto?

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Thank you ! Will your daughter will attend Mcgiil or still exploring other options ?))

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Thank you !)) she has committed to
McGill last week . Faculty of science . Intended major “ anatomy and cell biology “ … the program itself supposed to be ranked top10 globally.))
We live in NH , so even distance wise it’s much closer -4.5 hours by car . She studies French at school and with tutor so hopefully she can try to become more fluent . Plus they gave her a merit scholarship . That was our rationale )) .


She was admitted to
University college ST George campus I think …

Kid did not consider Canadian colleges. But we did undergrad in Canada and have many friends and relatives there.

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B of Art and Science, we are from NYC of dual citizenship.

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What school in Canada you went undergraduate degree if I May Ask ?))

Ryerson University

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I think that would out us. Is your kid pre-med?

@GoUBears I’ve said this from the beginning. Find the colleges and universities that LOVE your high school. Naviance, for all its temperament, does this well.


You should start your own thread and ask this question–more people will see your question that way!

That is the hope ))

Just a small warning then. Canadian pre-med students have a reputation (more at UofT) for being cut-throat. Canadian med schools, in general, are much harder to get into than US schools because the # of student spots is tightly regulated.

I was never a pre-med student but have known many and also those who managed to get into med and dental schools (in Canada).

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Thank you :pray: . ))) We know that about U of T , another reason she did not commit there .
She likes research and bio science and hope to go back to US for graduate school… what ever that might be … also aware about deflation grades at McGill… I hope she would be happy on Montreal ))

Also take some easy courses to bump up

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Good idea !! Thank you very much !))

Is this one of the specialized high schools? If it’s the one I’m thinking of, I’m not surprised. It’s an amazing school.

We have a wealth of resources in our city.

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Consider Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, Ohio. They have taken several students for senior year only.

Hundred percent agree with you.