<p>I just graduated from high school and I can't wait for college. I am really looking forward to beginning a new chapter in my life. I know college is hard but I'll finally be independent. No parents, get to pick my own schedule, living away for a change, etc. Despite this, I am also a little nervous cuz I know college is going to be HARD, and for the first time I'm on my own. Btw..I'm attending UCR in the fall. Compare college v. high school. Is college going to be very hard? All-nighters every day? How is college like?!</p>
<p>Depends on your major.</p>
<p>My major is Biology. =/</p>
<p>Based on your responses, I suspect you will find it somewhere between “very hard” and “impossible.” You’ve pretty much already failed biology. Do you know what an all-nighter is? You do realize it’s not possible to do it every night, right?</p>
<p>I didn’t failed biology. What the heck? Of course I know what is an all-nighter! It’s when you stay all night doing homework or studying.</p>
<p>I don’t even know what to say.</p>
<p>Don’t say it then! If you don’t want to help answer my question, leave!</p>
<p>ρ but not m over V.
It’s a little riddle.</p>
<p>Twilight girl, an all nighter is when you don’t go to sleep AT ALL because you stayed up doing homework and then went to class. It’s biologically impossible to do that every night because if you did that, it means that you would NEVER SLEEP. Which is biologically impossible. No sleep=death.</p>
<p>^haha stop being so literal everyone, i think she wants to know what class rigor is like, and average workload…</p>
<p>Yes that is what I said. You stay up all night doing homework and don’t get any sleep. Oh yeah…sorry about my incorrect information. </p>
<p>-Sapphire_ocean: Thank you! That is what I wanted to know.</p>
<p>wowza lol you guys really tore this poor child apart. im sure you will do fine twilight girl, dont worry. Make sure you dont get so distracted by the fun things that you forget about your purpose for being in college. As far as the work, just make sure you read material ahead of time!</p>
<p>Why is everyone such an ass? </p>
<p>How hard college is depends on the courseload/classes/major and YOU. If you’ve been working like crazy throughout HS then you should be more then prepared, if you have been breezing/slacking through HS then it will be considerably harder. These are just gernalizations though.</p>
<p>OMG its like super like hard. like its like going to be like impossible. you are like going to like have to study like all the time. i have to like pull all nighters like every night.</p>
<p>Wow, give her a break you guys! Don’t worry Twilight Girl, I’m sure college won’t be too shabby, it is what you make Mostly, if you know how to manage your time well, then you shouldn’t have a problem. </p>
<p>By the way, I look forward meeting you; I’ll be attending UCR in the fall as a freshman too :)</p>
<p>Oh for goodness sakes, ignore some of the idiots on this thread.</p>
<p>College isn’t terribly difficult your first year. Since you’re going to be a bio major, you will take bio and chem and some other GEs as well. It honestly depends on the workload the professors give you and your own abilities to balance and manage your time. If you become lazy and fal behind, that’s when the all-nighters come in. You’re only a freshman so all-nighters shouldn’t be happening, again unless you fall behind, slack off, party too much, etc. It’s going to be an adjustment yes but just welcome this new experience with open arms and you’ll do fine.</p>
<p>lol twilight. basically I think that means you’ll have trouble in college.</p>
<p>OMG its like totally so like super hard!</p>
<p>Good, Lord, you people!</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity, is English your second language, twilight_girl? I am by no means trying to be rude, I’m just wondering. Sorry the majority of the people on this thread are being total jerks. Ugh. </p>
<p>I’m going to be a freshman in the fall, too, but not with UCR. My assumption is that UCR isn’t nearly as rigorous as most of the other UCs, so I’m sure you’ll be fine. Most classes aren’t Monday-Friday in college, but with your major you may have some that take up the majority of the week. I’m sure you’ll do just fine :)</p>
<p>It’s basically a half day everyday. How hard it is depends on the courses you take and how weel you intend to do. If you are okay with B/C and can manage your time then it’s fairly easy. Going that extra mile for the A will be the only reason it should be hard. In classes where you may have a midterm or two, a final, and maybe a paper you don’t have many grades so if you mess up one your grade is sort of tanked. IF you can’t manage time or get focused at the right times then it will be hard period.</p>