Is coming in as a Freshman during the Spring difficult?


<p>I received spring admission to UM. Is it tough coming in as a freshman during the spring? Are spring admits looked down upon? Does UM do spring recruitment? </p>

<p>Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>I can share that there is a full orientation and the RAs are in the dorms to help you get comfortable. They do make an attempt to help you meet people on your floor in the dorm and I would think that the students would be very welcoming. It is a great time to get involved in Sportsfest, which is in February, and meet others in your dorm. It is also a time for Fraternity/Sorority rush if you are interested in that. Clubs always welcome new members, no matter what time of year it is. Best of luck to you! You will love the U!</p>

<p>I was accepted spring admission as well. What are you guys doing for the fall? I was not offered the DC option but I am trying to do a semester at sea. Also have you put down deposits for spring already?</p>