Registering for Orientation?

<p>Well...I just submitted my deposit and I'm going to be a Cane this fall! :)</p>

<p>The website says I'll be "prompted" to register for fall orientation. Should this be happening soon/already have happened?</p>

<p>Thanks! Looking forward to seeing everybody down in Coral Gables this fall!</p>

<p>Log into myUM, view your admissions information, click Admissions Checklist, and there’s a link there to register for orientation.</p>

<p>for any current UM students… I’m not going to be in Florida during orientation, what am I missing out on and what would I have to do once I get back? I’ll be back a few days before first day of classes</p>

<p>Isn’t it required? When do you plan on moving in then, because orientation begins with move in…</p>

<p>…As for what you’re missing, well for one, moving in, and two, important bonding time with room/floor mates as well as the university. </p>

<p>You need to contact somebody at UM (admissions maybe?) because you can’t just “not be there” for orientation and everything be all hunky dory…</p>

<p>Maybe one of the more important things you may miss is the meeting with your academic advisor. They meet with new students on Sun/Mon I think, and are instrumental in setting up your fall semester class schedule. If you think you won’t be on campus until Monday, and you still need to move in, etc, then you should contact admissions over the summer to arrange something unique to your situation. </p>

<p>Obviously if you can change your plans to arrive when the rest of the freshmen do, that would be best. As SeekingUni mentioned, you’re going to miss out on a lot of bonding time and just plain fun over those first 4 days.</p>

<p>yeah i guess ill contact somebody at UM… I have a friend that missed orientation last year and said everything was fine, I don’t think its mandatory, i just can’t make it because I have a trip that has been planned for a while now and i can’t simply change the return date… thank youu</p>