University of Miami Spring Admission 2020

Hi guys!! I was accepted regular decision to the U for the spring semester in 2020!! While beginning college a semester late makes me nervous, I will be attending because I am too in love with the school to not attend! I was wondering if anyone else on here was accepted for the spring/ will be attending starting in January 2020!!

Yes I was!!! It works out perfectly for me bc I can save on $$ by taking fall courses at a local school. Don’t worry about starting in Jan!! You, me and a bunch of others will all be in the same boat! We’ll get an orientation and everything too so don’t worry!

My daughter was also admitted for Spring. We’re pretty bummed about it. Anyone else starting in Spring? Do you find out how housing will work? Is it guaranteed? How do you sign up for classes at a local college? Do you let them know you will be leaving in Spring? Obviously, I’m clueless about all this.

Check the website, but last year they did guarantee housing, but it wasn’t guaranteed to be in a freshman only dorm. I’d say about 1/2 got in a freshman dorm and about 1/2 got a freshman/upper classmen dorm. I think they had close to 400 kids take the spring admit last year. They don’t give much direction as far as taking classes, but I met kids that took local community classes, went to another college, worked, did semester at sea, and even a few studied abroad. The orientation was pretty good. Someone started a facebook page for spring admits. At orientation we called ourselves “late bloomers”.

Hey, Accepted for spring 2020 too. international student.

what’s the FB chat named?

Does anyone know anything about spring admissions and rushing?

Call the school to verify that it will be the same as last year, but you could do it as long as you transferred in with 12 credits but it didn’t count AP classes. Rush is the same days as orientation, the are supposed to work your rush schedule around orientation, but Rush is exhausting and it is really hard to make it the orientation events.

is rush harder when you start school second semsester and do not know many people? Also is is hard to meet friends because people have already formed groups?

Rush is hard at any school. Luckily rush is in the spring at Miami so you are rushing at the same time as the other freshman. There was a good number of spring start freshman rushing too, but a lot of spring start freshman didn’t know to sign up for rush in October so they couldn’t do it. I kind of felt like I missed out on meeting people at orientation because I was rushing, but I met so many people when I got in a sorority that it was worth it. Everyone is new to the sorority at the same time when you get in so everyone wants to meet each other and they have so many activities so you spend a lot of time together. But if you don’t rush, I would recommend finding some club that you really like that is really active so you can meet people. People do have friend groups, but they don’t necessarily end up in the same sorority. I find everyone is really friendly and inclusive. I definitely recommend rushing because it made making friends much easier.

Thank you so much! I was really nervous about spring semester. Did you take classes at a local community college or study abroad during fall?

Hey. I was a Spring admit this year. I’m going to give you my honest advice. I don’t want to influence your decision completely, but I hope you listen to what I have to say.

The University of Miami was my dream school. I was waitlisted at first and then accepted for Spring and I knew right away I wanted to go. I fell in love with the campus the first time I stepped foot on it. But there’s a lot of things I didn’t know before coming here, that if I had known, I would’ve NEVER come.

First, all the freshman dorms were taken. So i got placed in Mahoney (a sophmore dorm). Which isn’t bad, but my roommate and suitemates are all sophomores, so they’ve never been interested in being friends (which btw I think is dumb, who wouldn’t want more friends?). My roommate and I get along, but never hang out. Because she wasn’t at orientation, I felt like I was a step behind everyone. Other people had new spring admit roommates, but I got stuck with a sophmore. This happened to a few other people I know too, but most people had new freshman roommates. Everyone at least had one friend…except me. It sucked a lot. Also, some girls were extremely rude to me during orientation. I would try to strike up a conversation, they would walk away. This happened multiple times—to both me and another girl I know. Ironically, those girls ended up being some of my friends now…Anyway, other girls at orientation ended up being super cliquey, and once they made a friend group, they didn’t seem interested in making any more friends. Honestly, all of orientation was awful, there were barely any opportunities to meet people and the school did not seem to care about spring orientation at all. The same thing was for the spring involvement fair (for clubs and stuff). There were only a few clubs that had actually set up booths and the school barely advertised that the fair was even happening. I didn’t even end up joining any clubs after that. Spring kids really get the short end of the stick—and it sucks, A LOT.

So I’ve been here almost a semester, and honestly, I have no friends here. Sometimes I spend Friday and Saturday nights crying because I’m so lonely. Also, if you think I’m kidding…I’M NOT. I know a girl that came here in the fall, and transferred after the first semester. And i’m not gonna lie, this happens a lot. A ton of kids you meet here end up transferring. And I’m considering it too. Unfortunately, being a spring kid, the transfer deadline has already passed for most schools so I don’t know what to do. I think I’m stuck here and it sucks. I wanted to join a sorority but I have to wait a whole extra semester!! And I’m afraid I won’t even get into any of them. I don’t know what the rush process is like, but I’m worried it is going to be superficial and based on appearance rather than personality :frowning:

I know you’re probably reading this thinking that there’s something wrong with me…i get it, who doesn’t make any friends after basically a whole semester? Well, it’s not just me. I swear, back home I had a ton of amazing friends. I am a super social person. I know and get along with so many people at this school. I have a lot of acquaintances!! But acquaintances aren’t friends. And when I try to turn those acquaintances into friends, it never works out. :frowning: So yeah, I know a ton of people, but I don’t call many (or any) of them friends.

Please, read other reviews of this school online. It’s not what it seems. I had envisioned coming here for the best years of my life, and instead, I’m miserable…practically every day. There’s a ton of great schools out there. Reconsider the other schools you’ve been accepted before you make your final decision. But if you do decide to come here, hmu and we can definitely be friends.

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@thry123 honestly, how have you been liking it here so far? I’m curious since it hasn’t been working out well for me. Do you think that rushing made things a lot easier in terms of social life?

@enlightenedspeed I think it would have been really hard if I didn’t rush. My social life pretty much revolves around the sorority. I didn’t meet many other spring admits at orientation because I was rushing so I feel like I missed out on meeting people. Mostly my friends are girls from the sorority. I found everyone really welcoming and wanted to get to know each other. It definitely made for an instant social life. You should definitely consider rushing next year.

@thry123 that’s really good. You definitely didn’t miss out on meeting people at orientation, that was honestly a waste of time. But I’m happy that you’re enjoying it here. I definitely will rush if I don’t transfer. It just sucks that rush is in the spring though