Is Computer Science with a Pre-Med path a bad idea??

<p>ive always had a love of both computer science and medicine, but i couldnt seem to make up my mind. my plan was to major in computer science just incase i dont get into medical school. IF i get into medical school i can work as a computer scientist throughout to make a living. am i doing too much? should i just major in biology for premed? or just simply major in computer science??? </p>

<p>I think having a backup plan is good and Comp. Sci. is a reasonable choice. Probably better than Biology. The issue is you’ll need to take a lot of courses that don’t overlap at all with the pre-med tracks. Here are the current requirements for a CS major in the 2013-2014 UM Bulletin found here: </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt; on page 141. </p>

<p>As you will see you can also double major in CS and another science major that has less requirements. There is also a 6 year bachelor+master degree program CS that might be an option if med school doesn’t pan out.
You have time to sort this all out when you start as a freshman and you can speak to various advisors that, can and do, give great advice.
In any case i think majoring in 1) Biochemistry & Mol. Bio or 2)Neuroscience or 3)Microbiology & Immunology are all better that just Biology…</p>