Is Cooper Union worth it?

<p>Hi, I got into Cooper Union for mech eng, but the school is really small. I also got into RPI, Rutgers, GW, and a bunch of others. Is Cooper really that good of a school because I haven't heard that much about it and the small class size kind of scares me. Please help! Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes, Cooper Union is worth it, it is in New York so you can have a social life with other kids from NY and it is arguably one of the most prestigious engineering schools in the nation...</p>

<p>i think it's worth it. cooper union used to be (one of) my dream schools. and it's in NY, NY, isn't it? you'll make tons of friends! and i think living in NY would be awesome!</p>

<p>yes cu has a really good rep</p>

<p>It is top notch, well located for internships and socialization, and free. What's not to like? Unless you got into an Ivy, or another science-focused school (Harvey Mudd, Caltech, MIT, Olin College, ect), if you're sure that it is what you want to go into for a living, then this would appear to be the clear choice.</p>

<p>Plus, isn't CU all expenses paid?</p>

<p>Cooper Union is downright amazing.</p>

<p>Compared to the other schools you are considering, Cooper Union is the best option. Even though you don't hear much about it, it still has a great reputation in NY.</p>

<p>Is something free worth it? Heck yes! Of the schools you listed, only RPI is close to Cooper in engineering reputation, and those in the know (grad schools and engineering employers) will certainly be aware of Cooper's strength.</p>