Is Cornell too much of a reach?

<p>College Stats</p>

<p>I'm currently a rising senior at one of the top high schools in Texas. I am 17 and of the Indian ethnicity. I live in Austin Texas. I would love to go to Cornell but I'm wondering if at this point, if Cornell is simply out of the question for me. Let me know please!</p>

<p>My Info:</p>

<p>ACT: 32</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 UW - 4.4 W</p>

<p>Courseload: Taken 8 AP classes so far, planning on taking 5 more next year.*</p>

<p>AP English (multiple)
AP World History
AP Psychology
AP Chemistry
AP US History
AP Comparative Governments
AP Physics B
AP Computer Science</p>

<p>Planning on Taking Next Year
AP English
AP Calculus AB
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics*
AP Physics C
Student Leadership</p>

<p>SAT II: Math II 660 - US History 630 - English Lit - 600 (Taking these three again, will*
probably be much higher)</p>

<p>Class Rank - my school does not rank outside of the top 10% but I would say I am safely in the top 25%</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:</p>

<p>Currently Interning at the District Attorney's office with the D.A. This hopefully will be a large hook mainly because of my interest in criminal law which eventually would be my interest in Law School. I deal with multiple criminal cases there and receive large amounts of experience there.</p>

<p>3 Year Varsity Lacrosse - Lettered 3 Years</p>

<p>Eagle Scout - Project consisted of leading peers and community to raise money and install an extensive sprinkler system in an underprivileged elementary school</p>

<p>National Merit Commended Scholar (213 PSAT)</p>


<p>Model U.N</p>


<p>Over 50 hours volunteering at community library</p>

<p>Rec Letters - Planning on getting them from my AP Comparative Governement teacher and my AP Physics B teacher. Also will get one from my counselor but this is a little tricky because she is retiring this summer so she is not writing I'll just get to know my new counselor as soon as possible*</p>

<p>Please let me know! Thanks!</p>

<p>Unless you attend a hug school that sends at least 25-30% of the class annually to top shools, you really don’t have a chance, your class rank is far too low.</p>

<p>Do you have any AP scores yet? Also, if you’re a recruit that could change things quite a bit, because from what I see, Cornell is a bit of a reach.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s what I was thinking. And for AP scores its a mixture of 4s and 5s with one 3. But thanks for the info!</p>

<p>Its certainly a reach however if you could get those SAT II’s all into the 700’s with hopefully a boost in class rank from this year it wouldn’t be off the wall. I say go for the application or send in tapes for lax (if you think you’re good enough) and pray :)</p>

<p>SAT II’s & AP scores are not going to effect your chances at all. As others have pointed out, class rank is the real hole in your application.</p>

<p>I agree with csdad. See if you could do very well next semester, maybe apply RD so you get another semester in.</p>

<p>ACT score also isn’t impressive I would retake it and aim for 34+</p>

<p>If you can get your SAT scores in all in the 700s and just not send your ACT I think you have a chance. My sister went to Cornell, she got an 800 on writing, like a 740 in M and a low 600 in CR.</p>

<p>The real problem is not just the class rank, but the subject tests as well. The AP scores are irrelevant, but the sat subject tests are looked at. For the SAT, Cornell completely ignores the Writing Section, so for the ACT, I should think that the Reading (Writing) section is also ignored. Otherwise, just make sure to stay focused on what interests you, and make sure to get that across in your application.</p>

<p>Other points of view from what has been posted in this thread: 1) Your ACT score is equivalent to a 1420 SAT score
[The</a> ACT | ACT-SAT Concordance | ACT](<a href=“]The”>The ACT Test for Students | ACT) 2) The ACT Total score is what is used, not individual sections 3) The weight of Subject tests varies from college to college / major to major. Class rank is still your biggest hole…Approx. 90% of incoming classes have been in top 10% of their high school class.</p>