<p>I was reading this article <a href="http://www.*****.com/articles/myths_about_ucsc%5E38%5E3539;s_10_colleges/?TaxonomyId=79148%5B/url%5D">http://www.*****.com/articles/myths_about_ucsc%5E38%5E3539;s_10_colleges/?TaxonomyId=79148</a></p>
<p>and it said that people at cowell have the "jock attitude." I have also heard that people in this college are kinda stuck up. Can u plz tell me if this is true? and if not, wat kinds of people are there? cuz i really like the dorms there and am seriously considering cowell.</p>
<p>No, Cowell does not have a jock attitude. I spent half my freshman year at C10 and Cowell and I did not witness that at all. It’s a very friendly atmosphere.</p>
<p>That’s a relief! cuz i put cowell as my first choice and c10 as my 2nd.
since u lived in both cowell and c10 which one did u like better?
and how much bigger are the c10 rooms than cowells?</p>
<p>I didn’t live at Cowell, I just had a lot of friends there. I’m not completely sure which one I liked more. C10 was really fun because thats where I lived and I liked my floor, but I REALLY liked the Cowell atmosphere. I basically made friends with everyone there within a week, while C10 took me much longer. C10’s dorm rooms are a bit larger and much newer than Cowell’s, but I wouldn’t base your decision solely on dorm rooms. I think I would pick Cowell over C10 if I could choose again.</p>
<p>thanks so much! do u know anything about cowell’s dining hall?
wat kinds of food do they have? how good is it?
and how early and late are they open?</p>
<p>Cowell’s dining hall is brand new, so it’s pretty nice. I currently live off campus, so I’m not really sure of their menu anymore. When I did eat there a few times last year, it was pretty good. Hours usually change every year (currently impacted due to budget cuts). Right now Cowell is Monday-Friday- 7:15am -7pm and Saturday-Sunday- 10am-2pm; 5pm-7pm. </p>
<p>Check out the dining hall website to take a virtual tour + check out their menus. [UC</a> Santa Cruz Dining Halls](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucsc.edu/dining/dining-halls.html]UC”>http://www.housing.ucsc.edu/dining/dining-halls.html)</p>
<p>wow thanks! ur amazing 
is their anything else i should know about cowell, or ucsc in general?</p>
<p>I don’t really know what to say. I’m only good at answering questions, haha. No prob!</p>
<p>My son is a freshman at Cowell; it was his first choice and he loves it. He is not a jock. He has developed friendships with people at Cowell and Crown. He is more the “nerdy” type (is that bad to say?). The dining hall at Cowell is really nice, and they have a coffee shop. Next yr. he wants to get a Cowell apartment with friends I guess. He has told me that he does study at the Cowell library too.</p>
<p>I have a few friends at Cowell and they do not have a jock attitude. As for the dining hall, it is new and pretty nice however the food can be a hit or a miss. Some days it is really good and other days it is bad but I think that applies to all dining hall on campus however.</p>