Is CUNY's Macaulay honors really good?

<p>I am a rising senior.I am going to apply to colleges this December.I also live in NY.</p>

<p>Is the cuny's honor program really really good?compare to nyu/cornell,which one is better?(I'm going to major in biochem/genetic engineering)</p>

<p>does it also provide a full scholarship and a FREE laptop????</p>

<p>also,is it really hard to get into?do i need a 2100+ and 3.6+ and amazing EC to get in?</p>

<p><a href=“Macaulay Honors College”>Macaulay Honors College;

<p>Read through this entire page. It should answer all of your questions.</p>

<p>As to whether NYU is better, or whether Cornell is better: don’t worry, I could care less.
I wish you luck in getting into all three.</p>