Is dual enrollment a good idea?

I’m currently a sophomore in high school and my school offers students the opportunity to take some college classes at the local community college for high school and college credit. The professors come to my high school after school and teach the class here which is extremely convenient. I talked to my counselor about it and at first I thought it was a great idea because I would get some college credits out of the way already but she told me that many larger colleges (including my dream college, NYU) don’t accept the credits and prefer AP classes. My school only offers 2 AP classes because its fairly smaller. Should I still take the college classes even though I won’t get credit? I don’t want to waste my time just to have NYU and my other dream colleges to just brush it off. I would think that it’d show that I’m challenging myself by taking these classes but I’ve heard they don’t really care about them. Any advice is welcomed!

I would do it. A dual enrollment shows that you are ready for college level work. Even if the credit doesn’t transfer, you still gain knowledge and it helps you in admissions


I go to a top-50 private university and they accepted all of my dual-enrollment credits, so it’s not impossible to find schools that will give you credit for them (and they will help you in admissions even if you don’t get credit, because they still look “better” than regular high school classes). Your biggest difficulty is going to be that they were taught on a high school campus rather than a college campus.

You could email a few schools directly that you are interested in possibly attending with the course code number from the Community College
and each school can tell you if the credits will be accepted and what at that school it compares to
My sons LAC they would not accept so we did not pay to have the duel enrollment but at other schools they would have been accepted
Well worth it if they will accept the credits
Good luck

Yeah, your decision will probably depend on whether you have to pay for the dual-enrollment classes. They were free in my state, so I didn’t care as much whether they transferred.

If your high school loses funding for you to take dual enrollment credits they are not going to promote dual enrollment.