<p>Since we all know that NYU is 60% female and 40% male, does this make it easier to get in as a male? </p>
<p>Some people have told me yes, and others have told me no, so I figured I would ask CC and see what you guys think.</p>
<p>Since we all know that NYU is 60% female and 40% male, does this make it easier to get in as a male? </p>
<p>Some people have told me yes, and others have told me no, so I figured I would ask CC and see what you guys think.</p>
<p>i really have no idea. they don’t list it as one of their things, but it could be one of their things.
i was actually worried that being gay puts me in the majority and therefore it would be harder for me to get in lol</p>
<p>from the 06-07 common data set:
Total firsttime, firstyear (freshman) men who applied 13815
Total firsttime, firstyear (freshman) women who applied 21633
Total firsttime, firstyear (freshman) men who were admitted 4885
Total firsttime, firstyear (freshman) women who were admitted 7957</p>
<p>that puts mens admissions at 35% (remember this is the year before last)
and women’s at 38%…
from that I would draw that, no, they don’t care.</p>
<p>Oh, well. I was just wondering, thanks guys!</p>