Is Greek life necessary?

I’m a transfer student going to TCU in the fall and from what I’ve heard, greek life is big there. I’m not really into the whole party scene and I don’t drink. Am i going to have a harder time meeting people if I’m not part of the Greek community?

You’ll be fine! 60% of the students are NOT Greek. TCU has very respected music, theater, film and nursing schools. Those are communities within themselves. Additionally, most of the athletes are not Greek and TCU is a huge D1 sports school with very serious, competitive programs. The Greek community at TCU is actually very inclusive. A friend in a fraternity could bring you to a party, etc. There’s not a big traditional Greek Row with gorgeous southern mansions. It’s all pretty blended… Last, it seems like by the time students are seniors, they are focused on internships, jobs, networking, etc. IMO, Greek life tends to be for underclassmen.