Is gym required in most colleges in NY?

<p>At my local community college, it says on their website it's required to take P.E. Does that apply for most colleges here?</p>

<p>A lot of the SUNYs include it as part of the general education requirements. As for privates, it depends on the school. I know Columbia requires a gym class and a swimming test to graduate.</p>

<p>Hm, my friend is at Geneseo and doesn’t have to take any gym courses, but my local CC (Suffolk) does. Perhaps it’s just CCs?</p>

<p>No it’s not. I go to Binghamton and I am required to take gym as a part of the gen eds.</p>

<p>No, it depends on each college. I go to SUNY Plattsburgh and it is not required for us.</p>

<p>I have to take two and I go to a small LAC.</p>

<p>Notre Dame requires gym and a swim test.</p>